Tuesday, December 4, 2007

A Place of Exchange

More than ever before I truly believe that gathering with like-minded individuals is what creates a powerful atmosphere where the Spirit of God can move. Everytime I see God move powerfully, it is within groups that share a strong cahoots (i like that word:).

This past weekend I met together with just over 20 campus leaders from Ontario in what we called "A Place of Exchange". God moves whether we know it or not, we were simply privilaged enough to tap into what God was doing and notice the common vision and direction we were all pursuing. You notice glimpses of a movement when parties from different locations are singing the same tune and stepping in sync with the beat and rhythem of the of the Holy Spirit. Simply connecting the dots between these like-minded individuals is how we decided to meet.

As each person entered the room I could see in each face a sense of expectation. Each without an idea of what to expect I believe we all knew that this meeting was special. We greeted one another and started to sing, meditate and welcome the Holy Spirit to be in our midst.

It felt Safe. Although we did not know each other very well, I sensed an atmosphere of humility with all masks down. I hardly even noticed pride or self-glorification, which is odd not to have in a group of leaders. I think we all knew that this meeting was about something so much bigger than ourselves.

The gathering was an intersection. A place where our paths will begin to crash and collide with those pursing a common vision. And as those lines cross, we are believing for divine sparks to fly, creating a synergetic movement of intercessors, evangelists, pioneers, miracle workers, prophets and church planters. We want to see the body working with all its parts trained, developed and ready for battle. We worshiped, prayed for those discouraged on their campus and shared what we felt the Holy Spirit lead us to speak. It was simple but powerful. We ended our time by revealing a huge banner that was created 5 years ago that had the background of downtown toronto with the words "Your Kingdom Come Your will be Done.... You are the light of the world a city on a hill cannot be hidden..let your light shine before men that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in Heaven."
It was a symbol of a baton that would be passed from campus to campus. The banner was given to MAC and will make its way through each University throughout this year.

Although much was said in this gather, we have yet to hear the stories in MAC and how they have seen salvation through outdoor worship and prayer. They have put their pride and reputation on the line for the sake of welcoming the Holy Spirit onto their campus. Though they look foolish in the eyes of man, I believe God is proud of who they are and how high they hold that lamp up in the sky.

UofT scarb
Not much has been spoken of the boldness of those in UofT Scarborough and their interactions through outdoor worship to those of different spiritual, cultural and ethnic background. God is really using this group to touch the spiritually hungry people on their campus. Their act of outdoor worship and prayer alone is drawing peoples attention to the name of Jesus and the authentic pursuit of His followers.

UofT st.george
We have heard little of the vision in UofT St. George whose passion for prayer and evangelism has given shape to what they call a Rafflian Revolution. A revolution of discontented radicals who are fed up with mediocrity and who feel called to see His kingdom come on their campus. I have heard stories of them doing prayer walks around Robarts and other parts of campus, claiming ground in the spiritual and setting the stage for his glory to fall.

The stories are beginning to grow from campus to campus, and we are starting to see a move of God brewing in the Universities of Ontario like I personally haven't seen before.

To those who attended the Gathering...
We've only scratched the surface and seen mere glimpses of what God will do. I'm crazy excited to see what happens when we actually start becoming more radically obedient to the Word of God. Like I said guys, we ain't following any strategies or concepts, God is doing a new thing. Originality and strategy will come when we seek his will and follow what the Word tells us to do. We cannot expect to do anything more than read his word and obey his commands, for I believe it is this obedience that will express a sweeter fragrence of worship to our King, and a more fierce flow of Love to our Father.

Songs of Love are great, but it's funny how much we can sing and how little we can obey. Jesus simply states that "If you love me, you will obey what I command" John 14:15. God is working differently on each campus, and it is imparitive that we understand how to respond to what God is doing. How we respond will depend on what God is revealing to you in the Bible. Therefore reading his word and obeying his commands is the only strategy that will work. Use resources to assist your obedience to his word rather than using the word of God to assist the strategy of our resource. If God is going to move any differently than he did before, it's going to require workers who have big ears, flexible minds and a small head :)

So let us begin to raise up a new generation of workers who hold tightly to his words and do nothing other than what those word say.

I look foward to gathering with you all again soon in January.

Friends, if you felt connected in anyway to this entry please begin to pray for God to continue moving on the campuses of Ontario. Pick a University or College and start making it apart of your daily prayers. Thanks everyone.

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